8 Christmas Gifts for Your Chickens

chirstmas gifts for chickens

With the Christmas season approaching quickly, shoppers all over the country are making their Christmas lists and checking them twice. Family, friends, and even household pets are usually at the top of our shopping lists, so while searching for the perfect gifts, don’t forget about your feathery backyard friends. Your chickens provide you with so many benefits throughout the year, such as delicious, healthy eggs, and they deserve a little appreciation as well. You can buy many Christmas gifts for your chickens, both for their benefit and yours. We’ve made a list of our top 8 favorite Christmas gifts for your backyard chickens.

 1. Automatic Chicken Coop Door  chickens-coop-runchicken

One of the best Christmas gifts you can get for your chickens is an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken. This automatic chicken coop door has a light sensor that blocks out all artificial light, allowing it to open at sunrise and close at sunset. You won’t have to worry about the hassle of letting your chickens out each morning on top of your daily routine. Chickens are early risers; they get up at the crack of dawn. Many people don’t operate on a dawn-to-dusk schedule, and even those that do sometimes like to sleep in. You can rest easy knowing that your chicken coop door will automatically open at sunrise to let your chickens begin their day and protect them from predators at night. 

An automatic chicken coop door will benefit your chickens because it closes on its own at night, ensuring that your chickens are safely enclosed in their coop every night. Sometimes we all run behind or forget to close the coop door at night, leaving our chickens susceptible to predators. A Run-Chicken automatic chicken coop door will help in case that happens to keep your chickens safe. 

Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop door is made of aluminum, which is both sturdy and waterproof. It’s able to withstand extreme weather conditions and temperatures, both cold and hot, so it is perfect for the upcoming winter season. A Run-Chicken automatic chicken coop door will make keeping chickens easier for people of all schedules, as it does the hard work for you. The Run-Chicken automatic coop door is the best gift you can give your chickens this holiday season. You can pick your favorite design!

 2. Automatic Waterers and Feeders

Chickens in a coop

Another great Christmas gift that will benefit you as well as your chickens is an automatic feeding and watering system. If you are raising backyard chickens, then you know that feeding and watering them can take a lot of time out of your day. If you find yourself feeding and watering them multiple times a day to keep them satisfied, consider buying your chickens an automatic waterer and feeder. 

Automatic chicken feeders and waterers come in many shapes, sizes, and styles. Be sure to research them to find out what type of system is best for you and your flock. Some can be filled once a day, while others can last a few days to a week. Think of the time that this could save you!

Automatic feeders and waterers are gifts that are beneficial not only for you but for your chickens as well. When you use automatic watering and feeding systems, you can be sure that your chickens always have access to fresh and clean food and water. Your chickens will be happy and healthy, and you won’t have to dedicate so much time to feeding and watering. 

 3. Water Base Heater

Two chickens drink water from the bowl

As Christmas approaches, so does the colder weather. Some places in the U.S. see freezing temperatures from late fall to spring, and in those conditions, it’s hard to keep your chickens’ water from freezing. Changing out frozen water several times a day is both hard work and very time-consuming, and it can get annoying if you don’t like the cold. A great Christmas gift for your chickens to help them in the colder months to come is a water base heater. 

A water base heater will keep your chickens’ water at an optimal temperature to prevent it from freezing, ensuring they always have fresh water. There are many different types of water base heaters to fit almost any watering system, so it is best to research to find out what type is best for you.

4. Chicken Saddle

Naked Neck chicken

Another cool Christmas gift for your hens is a chicken saddle. If you have a rooster in your backyard flock, then you know that they can be a little aggressive towards your hens from time to time. An aggressive rooster can quickly pluck your poor hen’s back bald, and sometimes the hen needs a little help to be able to grow her feathers back. A chicken saddle will help prevent any further plucking and give your hen a little time to regrow some feathers, and they also look cute.

A chicken saddle wraps around your hen’s back, protecting her from getting pecked any further. They also seem to scare the other chickens away, so this is also a great gift for a hen that may be getting picked on by the others. Consider buying a chicken saddle as a Christmas gift for your hens.

 5. Nesting Boxes

The Christmas season tends to bring cold weather to most of the United States, and chicken keepers know that hens don’t lay as many eggs this time of year. New nesting boxes from Run-Chicken are a nice Christmas gift your chickens will appreciate. Chickens are naturally hot-natured and can withstand the winter in most areas as long as the coop is properly enclosed, but to keep your hens happily laying eggs, they’ll need a safe, cozy nesting box. Though most hens don’t produce as many eggs in the winter as they do in the spring and summer months, they’ll still produce a few, so they’ll need nesting boxes. 

Run-Chicken’s Nesting Boxes offer everything you need in a nesting box. These nesting boxes are made of sturdy aluminum, so they don’t rust. Nesting boxes from Run-Chicken are a unique hexagon shape, which allows for multiple units to be hung in a honeycomb style. They are easy to install and set up, and they fit together in a way that is aesthetically pleasing while still allowing enough space between them. Your hens will love the gift of new, cozy nesting boxes. Nesting boxes from Run-Chicken also feature a special plate on the front to prevent eggs from falling out as your hens exit the box. 

6. Chicken Swing

chicken swing

Chickens are very energetic creatures, and they love to play, peck, and scratch. But during the winter, when the days are shorter, and the weather isn’t always great, your feathered friends may find themselves cooped up more than they’d like to be. To help combat boredom on these less-than-ideal days, consider buying a chicken swing to hang in your coop. A chicken swing is the perfect Christmas gift for your chickens to help keep them entertained during the cold months. You can build one yourself in a ladder style that makes it easy for your chickens to hold on, or there are many other styles. Keep in mind that not all chickens will find interest in the swing.

A chicken swing can also help resolve pecking order issues. If you have a chicken that seems to bully others when it can’t free range, it is usually due to boredom. When you keep your chickens occupied and happy, they are less likely to get bored and peck at the other birds. A chicken swing is the perfect Christmas gift for your chickens to keep them entertained throughout the winter. 

 7. Stocking Stuffers: Treats and Toys

Beautiful fireplace decorated for Christmas with socks

It has been a growing trend to buy our pets Christmas stockings filled with their favorite treats and toys, but have you ever thought you could do the same for your chickens? There are many small toys and treats that your chickens would love to receive in a stocking of their own. Homemade treats, seeds, grains, and fruits are all great stocking stuffers for your chickens. Hanging baskets for fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and even boiled eggs can be used to stuff your chicken’s stockings. Chickens like to peck and play with toys, so include some in their stocking as well. With the shorter days ahead, your chickens will likely be spending more time in their coop, so a stocking full of toys and treats will surely brighten their day.

 8. Decorating Your Coop

Chickens near their chicken coop

Although you shouldn’t go overboard for safety reasons, you can get creative and decorate your chicken coop for Christmas. Lightweight metal or aluminum signs to hang can add a little Christmas spirit. You can even create an edible garland made of your chicken’s favorite fruits, veggies, and leafy greens for them to enjoy. Another neat decorating idea is to find some Christmas-themed fabric and make your hens some privacy curtains for their nesting boxes. Adding curtains will surely give your chicken coop a unique Christmas feeling! 

Your backyard chickens provide you with so much throughout the year, so it’s good to show your appreciation for them at Christmas. You can give your chickens many gifts for Christmas that are beneficial to you and them, and we hope you’ve enjoyed this list of our 8 favorite Christmas gifts for chickens. 

Feel free to share how you celebrate holidays with your chickens in the Facebook group Chicken&Egg Lovers.

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