Every chicken is special and has a unique character. Whether you have a chicken, a pair of chickens, or a whole flock, choosing the names for your pet chickens can be fun but also quite challenging. There are endless possibilities out there. What would be the perfect name for your chicken?
How to choose a perfect name for your chickens
Consider your chicken’s gender, breed, color, and personality traits when choosing a name. If you have a rooster choose a male name, and if you want to name hens, you can choose from several thematic names. Golden Comet chicken can be called Goldie, and Silkie chicken can be Cotton. Is your chicken skittish, bold, or irritable? Names like Old Gramps, Bashful, Rambo, or King Kong can perfectly illustrate your chickens’ personality. Maybe you have a sweet chicken that loves to sit in your lap. Pick a really cute name for this girl. Do you need to name multiple chickens? Then it can be very fun to come up with rhyming names or even topic names.
There are no limits to your creativity and possibilities! If you have kids, get your kids involved and let them name your chickens. As we know, kids have huge imaginations so just be open to it and let your child come up with a pretty creative name. Allowing your children to name the animals can create strong bonds with them and even motivate your children to take care of the animals. This is not only a lot of fun but also strengthens the sense of responsibility. When you have chickens as pets, you want to make sure they are safe at night. By installing an automatic chicken door predators will not be able to invade your coop.

How to teach your chickens to recognize their names
Did you know that you can teach chickens to remember their names? Chickens can learn to come to you when you use their names. Name-calling can make them feel comfortable and safe when you are around. It can also be helpful when you want to bring them back to the coop safely. How to teach chickens to recognize their names?
- Pick a simple name for your chicken. Use it frequently when you are near her so she can hear you and recognize your voice.
- Put some dried worms or other treats that chicken adores in the bucket or container.
- When you are near the chicken, call out her name and shake the container for her to hear.
- Give her treats and talk calmly to her and pet her while she’s eating. Remember to use her name while rewarding her.
- Do this daily, and you will be amazed how soon she will recognize her name. She will come running by calling out her name regularly, especially if she thinks food is waiting.
Here are some name ideas to get you started. This ultimate list of chicken names can help you find the best one for your special feathered friend. But even if you don’t find the perfect one right away, you’ll still find some inspiration to come up with something unique on your own.
What are some cute chicken names?
Some chickens are so soft and lovable that a cute name is the best fit for them. A super cute name will take sweetness to a whole new level.
- Angel
- Baby
- Beauty
- Bizzie/Busy
- Bossy
- Bow
- Bubbles
- Chick
- Chickie
- Chirpy
- Clementine
- Cluck
- Clucky
- Coco
- Comet
- Cosmo
- Crackle
- Cupid
- Daisy
- Diva
- Doodle
- Dot/Dottie
- Dumpling
- Fleur
- Fluffy Butt
- Freckles
- Frizzle
- Glitter
- Henny
- Henny Penny
- Jazz(y)
- Jewel
- Lacey
- Lady Bird
- Lily
- Little Bit
- Little Red
- Lovey
- Miss Pompom
- Miss Sparkles
- Mrs. Pecks
- Noelle
- Nugget
- Opal
- Pearl
- Pecky
- Peep
- Peepers
- Pip
- Pixie
- Pompom
- Poppy
- Princess Countess
- Princess Fluffy Butt
- Princess Layer
- Puff
- Pumpkin
- Rainbow Dash
- Rebel
- Rosie
- Ruby
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Socks
- Sparkles
- Speckles
- Splash
- Spot
- Spotty
- Squashie
- Squeak
- Star
- Sugar
- Sweetie
- Tootsie
- Trixie
- Tweety
- Twizzle
- Waddles
What’s a funny name for a chicken?
If you have a sense of humor, you are going to enjoy these names.
- Alarm Clock
- Amarillo
- Babz
- Big Bertha
- Boc-boc
- Bossy Boots
- Bug Eater
- Chick-fil-a
- Crispy
- Cute But Psycho
- Ditsy
- Dodo
- Fiesta
- Flappy Bird
- Flash
- Homerun
- Jeepers Cheepers
- Lil’ Layin
- Loco
- Loofah
- Midget
- Mop Head
- Mother Clucker
- Nosey Nellie
- Pipsqueak
- Poop Maker
- Pox
- Psycho Suzie
- Public Nuisance
- Ruff Cluck
- Sal Monella
- Soft Boiled
- Tango Mango
- The Dodger
- The Fluffer Butters
- Toe Jam
- Trouble
- Two Left Feet
- Tyrannosaurus Pecks
- Wormy
What’s a punny name for a chicken?
Ready to play with different words? Punny chicken names bring a bit of fun to the coop. Your kids’ imagination can turn meaningful names into perfect creative names for your chicken.
- Abrahen Lincoln
- Albert Eggstein
- Amelia Egghart
- Angelina Jopeep
- Annie Yolkley
- Attila the Hen
- Audrey Henburn
- Bird Lancaster
- Birdzilla
- Chew-bock-a
- Chick Jagger
- Chick-a-las Cage
- Chick-eel O’neil
- Chick-ira
- Chickovsky
- Cluck Kent
- Cluck Norris
- Clucky Cheese
- Darth Egger
- David Beekham
- Edward Scissor Beak
- Eggatha Christie
- Eggdar Allan Poe
- Feather Locklear
- Goldie Hen
- Gwyneth Poultry
- Hen Solo
- Henifer Aniston
- Henneth Paltrow
- Henrique Egglecias
- Hillary Fluff
- Liam Hensworth
- Lindsay Lohen
- Little Red Riding Hen
- Margaret Hatcher
- Mary Poopins
- Meryl Cheep
- Obi Wan Henobi
- Oprah Henfrey
- Princess Lay-a
- Roo-Paul
- Sir Clucks-A-Lot
- Sophia Lorhen
- Yolkahontas
- Yolko Ono
What are some famous chicken names?
Pop culture and literature are full of characters that can be an inspiration for naming chickens. Maybe you can find the best name for your pet in your favorite movie or book. Or think about the names of singers you like to listen to. Here are some suggestions of awesome chicken names:
- Alice
- Anastasia
- Ariel
- Arya
- Aurora
- Bashful
- Belle
- Betty White
- Cher
- Chicken Little
- Cinderella
- Cindy-Lou
- Clara Cluck
- Cruella (DeVil)
- Dixie Chick
- Doc
- Dopey
- Dumbledore
- Dutchess
- Elsa
- Elvis
- Forrest Gump
- Goldilocks
- Grumpy
- Happy
- Henrietta
- Hermione
- Katniss
- King Kong
- Lady Gaga
- Lafonda
- Lucille Ball
- Madonna
- Maleficent
- Marylin Monroe
- Merida
- Minnie
- Miss Almira
- Miss Marple
- Miss Pepperpot
- Mr. Spock
- Mrs. Burns
- Mrs. Frizzle
- Mrs. O’Leary
- Nala
- Nemo
- Pigwidgeon
- Pocahontas
- Professor McGonagall
- Rambo
- Rapunzel
- Roadrunner
- Sansa
- Sleepy
- Sneezy
- Snow White
- Thumbelina
- Thumper
- Tiana
- Tinker Bell
- Ursula
- Wendy Darling
What is a good name for a male chicken (rooster)?
Roosters are awesome watchers of the flock, protecting hens and babies as they forage on pasture. Therefore, they deserve great names, and there are plenty of options to choose from.
- Albert
- Atticus
- Baron
- Bernard
- Billie
- Bo
- Bob
- Bruce
- Chester
- Chuck
- Duke
- Dusty
- Earl
- Fletcher
- Floyd
- George
- Gus
- Guy
- Hank
- Howard
- Jimmy
- Kevin
- Leonard
- Louis
- Maximus
- Oliver
- Rhett
- Rusty
- Scout
- Teddy
- Tyson
- Vinny
- Watson
- Willie
- Willy
- Winston
- Angry Bird
- Big Daddy
- Big Red
- Blackbeard
- Bobzilla
- Bojangles
- Brewster the Rooster
- Buckbeak
- Cadillac
- Cockadoodledoo
- Cooper
- Dr. Pecker
- Everest
- Guardian
- Jagger
- Jupiter
- Mohawk
- Mr. Feathers
- Mr. Woo
- Muggle
- Napoleon
- Ninja
- Oz
- Rex
- Roadkill
- Rock the Cock
- Rockstar
- Roux
- Saturn
- Sir Clucks-a-lot
- Sir Crows A lot
- Starbuck
- Tank
- Thunderbird
- Venus
- Wooster
- Batman
- Beaker
- Big Bird
- Charlie Brown
- Colonel Sanders
- Cornelius
- Doc
- Dumbledore
- Elmer
- Elvis
- Fabio
- Foghorn Leghorn
- Galileo
- Gandalf the Gray
- Geronimo
- Godzilla
- Hagrid
- Hercules
- HippoGriff
- Jaws
- John HanCock
- Kellogg
- Little Richard
- Lurch
- Oscar the Grouch
- Pluto
- Popeye
- Rocky Road
- Rooster Cogburn
- Severus Snape
- Shrek
- Spartacus
- Superman
- Weird Al
- Woodstock
- Zazu
What should I name my girl chicken (hen)?
There are dozens of well-known classic chicken names which backyard hens have enjoyed for decades. There are also some modern names on the list.
- Abby
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Adele
- Alma
- Angelica
- Ann
- Annie
- April
- Arabella
- Asia
- Aspen
- Audrey
- Ava
- Barbara
- Beatrice
- Beatrix
- Belinda
- Bella
- Bertha
- Bessie
- Betsy
- Betty
- Blanche
- Bonnie
- Brenda
- Brianna
- Bridget
- Brooke
- Buffy
- Camilla
- Celeste
- Charlotte
- Clara
- Clarabelle
- Clarissa
- Claudine
- Cleopatra
- Colette
- Connie
- Constance
- Cora
- Darcey
- Delilah
- Devon
- Dior
- Dolly
- Doris
- Dorothy
- Echo
- Eclair
- Edith
- Edna
- Edwina
- Eileen
- Eloise
- Elsie
- Emilie
- Esmerelda
- Estelle
- Ethel
- Eva
- Faith
- Fatima
- Fawn
- Felicity
- Fiona
- Flo
- Florence
- Frankie
- Gabby
- Genevieve
- Georgia
- Gertrude
- Gigi
- Gladys
- Gloria
- Gwendoline
- Hannah
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Heather
- Heidi
- Hilda
- Holly
- Hope
- Ida
- Imogen
- India
- Ingrid
- Irene
- Iris
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Janice
- Janie
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Jessie
- Jill
- Joan
- Jolene
- Jude
- June
- Juniper
- Katie
- Kay
- Kentucky
- Lacey
- Lady
- Lexy
- Linda
- Lizzie
- Lola
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Lydia
- Mabel
- Macy
- Madeline
- Maggie
- Maisie
- Mandy
- Margaret
- Marge
- Margo
- Marley
- Marnie
- Martha
- Mary
- Mary-Lou
- Masala
- Matilda
- Maureen
- May
- Maya
- Meg
- Mercy
- Merle
- Mia
- Millie
- Mindy
- Mirabel
- Missy
- Mo
- Molly
- Monica
- Mavis
- Mildred
- Muriel
- Myrtle
- Nancy
- Naomi
- Nellie
- Nora
- Norma
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ophelia
- Otis
- Paris
- Patience
- Patsy
- Patty
- Payton
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Petra
- Phoebe
- Polly
- Prudence
- Queenie
- Quinn
- Ramona
- Reina
- Rhonda
- Ria
- Riley
- Rita
- Rosalie
- Rosie
- Roxanne
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Sadie
- Sally
- Sandra
- Sarah
- Sasha
- Serena
- Shirley
- Sienna
- Skylar
- Sofia
- Stella
- Sue
- Susan
- Tabby
- Tansy
- Tawny
- Temperance
- Terry
- Tess
- Tia
- Tilly
- Tracy
- Trudy
- Uma
- Ursula
- Vanessa
- Venus
- Vera
- Vicky
- Victoria
- Vixen
- Wanda
- Wendy
- Whitney
- Winifred
- Winnie
- Wren
- Yvette
- Zelda
- Zerelda
- Zoey
What do you name a black chicken? Or white chicken? Or brown chicken?
Sometimes it’s easier to name your chicken based on the color of her feathers. On this list you will find perfect names that match different color shades.
- Bellatrix
- Blackie
- Crow
- Ebony
- Espresso
- Mocha
- Morticia (Addams)
- Mystic
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Phantom
- Puddle
- Shade
- Shadow
- Smokey
- Blondie
- Brownie
- Buffy
- Butter
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Caramel
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Cocoa
- Copper
- Fudge
- Goldie
- Honey
- Penny
- Alaska
- Alpine
- Angel
- Arctic
- Blanco
- Blizzard
- Charmin
- Coconut
- Cool Whip
- Cotton
- Ghost
- Ivory
- Powder
- Snowball
- Sugar
- Blue
- Bluebelle
- Hazel
- Indigo
- Lemon
- Maroon
- Olive
- Periwinkle
- Red
- Scarlet
- Sepia
- Sienna
- Taupe
- Velvet
- Violet
What are some great names for chicken couples or groups?
Do you have two or three chickens of the same breed in your flock? Or chickens that love spending time together? You can name them after famous couples, groups or things that just belong together. Here are a few ideas:
- Adam and Eve
- Amelia and Abigail Gabble
- Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato
- Barbie, Skipper, and Kelly
- Beavis and Butthead
- Beyoncé, Kelly, and Michelle
- Bidditi, Bodditi, and Boo
- Biscuits and Gravy
- Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy, and Rose
- Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup
- Bo and Peep
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Bumble and Bee
- Buttons and Bows
- Cagney and Lacey
- Charlie, Sally, Lucy, Linus, and Snoopy
- Charlotte, Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha
- Cherry and Blossom
- Chicken and Nugget
- Cinnamon and Spice
- Cocoa and Mocha
- Cookies and Cream
- Doodle and Doo
- Eeny, Meeny, Miny and Moe
- Elmo, Big Bird, and Oscar
- Elsa and Anna
- Elvis and Priscilla
- Ernie and Bert
- Fish and Chips
- Flopsy and Mopsy
- Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather
- Giggles and Wiggles
- Ginger, Maryann, and Mrs. Howell
- Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, and Pugsley
- Green, Eggs, and Ham
- Hansel and Gretel
- Harry and Sally
- Hip and Hop
- Holmes and WatsonHugs and Kisses
- Homer and Marge
- Huey, Dewey, and Louie
- Jasmine, Aladdin, and Abu
- Kelly, Jessie, and Lisa
- Ken and Barbie
- Laverne and Shirley
- Lucy and Ethel
- Mac and Cheese
- Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach
- Marsha, Jan, and Cindy
- Mary and Rhoda
- Mary Kate and Ashley
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Peek and Boo
- Pip and Squeak
- Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and Eeyore
- Polly and Esther
- Regina, Karen, Gretchen, Cady, Janis, and Aaron
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Romeo and Juliet
- Salt and Pepper
- Salt and Vinegar
- Sandy, Betty, Frenchy, and Danny
- Scary, Sporty, Baby, Ginger, and Posh
- Snap, Crackle, and Pop
- Sonny and Cher
- Sugar and Spice
- Thelma and Louise
- The three musketeers
- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
- Wendy, Peter Pan, and Tinkerbell
- Wilma and Betty
- Yin and Yang
- Zing and Zang
What names did you choose for your feathered friends? Tell us on Facebook or Instagram. Use tag @runchickendoor.