RUN-CHICKEN Automatic Chicken Coop Door: A Must-Have for Your Backyard Flock

Modernizing chicken coops to help raise chickens more efficiently in today’s fast-paced world is becoming more popular, with new technology advancing daily. A game-changing piece of technology to add to your chicken coop is an automatic chicken coop door from RUN-CHICKEN. Have you ever heard of an automatic chicken coop door? If so, then you probably know of all of the major advantages they provide and are looking to purchase one; if not, we’ll give you all the reasons why an automatic chicken coop door is so beneficial.

Raising chickens is a rewarding experience, especially considering the fresh eggs and companionship they provide—but it can also be a lot of work. Keeping chickens entails waking at the crack of dawn or earlier to let the chickens out, providing them with proper nutrition and space, and ensuring they are safely tucked away at night, which can all get a little overwhelming in addition to your daily routine.

What is an Automatic Chicken Coop Door?

An automatic chicken coop door is, as its name suggests, a chicken coop door that opens automatically. But what does that mean? Automatic chicken coop doors from Run-Chicken are smart devices that you can connect to your phone, which opens your chicken coop door automatically at a set time or via a light sensor. So, it opens at sunrise and closes at sunset, or can be set to open and close at a certain time.

How Does a Run-Chicken Automatic Chicken Coop Door Work?

Run-Chicken automatic chicken coop doors feature a Light Sensor which senses–you guessed it–the light. These light sensors are sensitive enough to detect the sun’s first rays in the early morning hours, which then opens your chicken coop door automatically, allowing your chickens out at the crack of dawn to begin enjoying their day. The light sensor also senses waning sunlight and will wait until the sun’s last rays are gone before automatically closing for the night.

Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors can also be set to run on a timer. You can choose a specific time for your chicken coop door to open every morning and set a time for it to close in the evening. This feature is especially beneficial when you want to give your chickens more outdoor time or even if you have a breed that doesn’t automatically go to roost as the sun sets. The timer setting on a Run-Chicken automatic coop door can also help you if you’re training your chickens to enter the coop at a certain time, as they will get used to the time of day that the timer is set to close the coop.

Installing and setting up an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken is also a quick and easy process. All you’ll need is a Phillips-head screwdriver–everything else is provided for you. After placing your door in the proper position and tightening just a few screws, your automatic chicken coop door is ready to set up. Setup is also quick and easy. Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors are battery-operated, so they’re ready to use. Follow the instructions to change the door settings. Otherwise, it’s set to open at sunrise and close at sunset via a light sensor.

Reasons to Invest in A Run-Chicken Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Now that you know all about Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors, you can probably see the many benefits of investing in one of these game-changing technological advances. If you’re still on the fence, we’re going to highlight the major benefits of investing in an automatic chicken coop door for your backyard flock and for yourself, as well.

Flock advantages

Investing in an automatic chicken coop door has many advantages for your feathered friends. Although your chickens may shy away from the automatic chicken coop door at first, rest assured they’ll get used to it in no time and start benefiting from it in many ways, including:

Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors are built from high-quality, solid aluminum, which ensures that your chickens are kept safe during the night. Predators such as raccoons, foxes, and birds of prey can make their way past your chicken run’s outer defenses and have been known to open or tear through regular chicken coop doors. An automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken can be an impenetrable line of defense against predators.

Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors are secure tightly, so predators will not be able to pry it off. Unlike traditional coop doors, it doesn’t have a latch, which makes it impossible for predators to open it. Many predators can figure out how to open latches, making your chickens easy prey at night.

Shop for Run-Chicken door and get 10% OFF with this code: RC10OFF.

A game-changing piece of technology to add to your chicken coop is an automatic chicken coop door from RUN-CHICKEN.

Aids in Coop Training

Another way your flock will benefit from an automatic chicken coop door is that it can aid in coop training. Training your chickens to go to their designated coop at night to roost is essential to their safety–young or newer flock members are susceptible to danger if they do not roost with the rest of the flock. They need to be taught when to go inside the coop and when to go out in the morning, and an automatic chicken coop door is a great way to help train them. By allowing the chicken coop door to automatically open and close at the same time intervals daily, your chickens will learn to enter the coop before the door closes, ensuring their safety.

Improve and Increase Egg Production

Another advantage of investing in an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken is an increase and improvement in egg production. Now, owning an automatic chicken coop door won’t magically make your flock lay more eggs, but it will help your chickens feel safer in their coop. This, in turn, means that they are happy. Happy, healthy chickens that are stress-free will easily produce more eggs, and they will also be better quality.

Personal Advantages

Since you’ve been learning about all the cool features of Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors, I bet you’ve been thinking of ways that this could help improve your life, as well. Here, we’ve listed a few of the advantages that investing in an automatic chicken coop door can offer you.

You Can Sleep In

One of the major advantages of buying an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken is the convenience that it offers–you won’t ever have to wake up at the crack of dawn again (unless you just want to!) Many people who consider keeping backyard chickens can become discouraged when they realize that the chickens wake up with the sun, and that means you have to be up as well to let them out. This is where an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken offers its biggest personal advantage because, with its light sensor setting, it will automatically open at the sun’s first rays. Your chickens will be happy to be let out at a steady, consistent time every day, and you can rest easy and sleep in some mornings.

It Saves Time

Another major benefit of investing in an automatic chicken coop door is that it is a huge time saver. If you are currently keeping backyard chickens, you know that they can take up quite a bit of your day. Letting them out in the morning; feeding and watering them; collecting eggs; going back in the evening to close them up; it can all get to be a little too much work. An automatic chicken coop door can help you save time and effort, so you can do other things.

Allows You to Go to Places

One thing that many people who keep chickens have in common is that they can’t seem to go anywhere for longer than a day. Chickens require you to let them out in the morning and lock them in the coop in the evening, which requires you to be present whether they’ve got ample food and water or not. Investing in an automatic chicken coop door can allow you to take short vacations or spend the day out without worrying about your chickens.

An automatic chicken coop door is also great if you have someone chicken-sitting while you go on vacation. Your sitter won’t have to let your chickens out in the morning and lock them up in the evening; they’ll simply have to check on them and provide them with food and water. This is helpful because it limits the interaction your sitter has with the chickens since we all know that not everyone is comfortable around them. Imagine being able to go on vacation without worrying about your chickens (or your chicken sitter)!

How Much Does an Automatic Chicken Coop Door from Run-Chicken Cost?

We’re pretty sure you can see all the benefits of investing in an automatic chicken coop door by now, but you may still be on the fence because of cost concerns. Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors cost around $180; this is a very small investment to make when it comes to protecting your backyard chickens. Think of all of the time, effort, and money you’ve invested in raising your chickens and keeping them happy and healthy. Without an automatic chicken coop door, you could lose your entire flock in one night to a major predator. In that light, investing in an automatic chicken coop door would be cheaper and easier than losing and replacing an entire flock.


No matter the reasons why you choose to keep backyard chickens, a game-changing piece of technology that is well worth the investment is an automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken. Investing in an automatic chicken coop door can save your flock from predators, keeping them safe and happy–and it is cheaper than having to replace an entire flock. An automatic chicken coop door can also help save you time and effort.

In today’s modern society, there seems to always be a rush to finish the next task; we live in a fast-paced era where time is very important. Keeping backyard chickens can be very beneficial but also very time-consuming. That’s where a Run-Chicken automatic chicken coop door can help you. It can save you time, effort, and energy when raising backyard chickens, so check them out today.

Shop for Run-Chicken door and get 10% OFF with this code: RC10OFF.

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