Is Keeping a Pet Chicken Right for You?

Chickens are nature’s feathery little alarm clocks–they’ll have you up at dawn and ready for bed by sundown. But have you ever considered keeping chickens as pets? If you’re looking for a new pet, consider chickens!

Why Do Chickens Make Great Pets?

There are many reasons that chickens make great pets. First, they provide companionship for you and your family. If you’re looking for an animal that will be able to provide love and affection, then chickens are a perfect choice!

Chickens are incredibly social animals, and they love to be around people. They can quickly learn to recognize their owners and follow them around the yard. They also make great alarm clocks—a chicken’s first instinct is to call out if they see or hear something unusual, so they’ll wake you up if someone is trying to sneak into your house.

Second, having a chicken can help ease stress levels in your life by providing a sense of calmness and peace within your home. They also make great listeners if you need someone to listen without judgment.

Owning chickens can teach responsibility in children by giving them something else besides themselves to take care of–and this could lead them down paths toward careers that involve working with animals or agriculture later on in life!

Chickens can be trained to do tricks, like dance or come when called. They’re also easy to care for—they don’t require much space or special food or equipment. And if you have an existing garden or yard, they’ll help keep it clean by eating bugs and weeds!

If you’re looking for an animal that will be able to provide love and affection, then chickens are a perfect choice!

Benefits of Keeping Chickens as Pets

Chickens are incredibly affectionate and intelligent creatures; they make great companions for people of all ages. There are also many benefits of keeping chickens as pets, and some of them include:

  1. The biggest benefit of keeping pet chickens is that they give you free eggs! A hen will typically lay between 3 to 7 eggs a week depending on many factors, such as the breed, dietary factors, and age. This can help eliminate the need to buy eggs altogether.
  2. Chickens are very intelligent creatures. They can be taught tricks, and they will recognize their owners after only a few days of exposure to them.
  3. If you have children, chickens make great pets for them because they don’t need a lot of attention, and they are social animals (unlike dogs or cats).
  4. Chickens are quite affectionate and love spending time with their owners—often cuddling up close or sitting on their shoulders while they’re out in the yard or garden working on projects together!
  5. Chickens are very playful and funny creatures, which means they’ll keep your kids entertained for hours!
  6. Chickens are very easy to take care of—they can be kept in a small space without much effort or expense on your part. They don’t require much attention either. All you need is enough room for them to roam, a coop with a roosting area, and an automatic chicken coop door so they can feel safe and secure. You’ll also need food containers for feeding them throughout each day.
  7. Keeping chickens is good for the environment as well—you’re recycling food waste into fertilizer and composting your leaves, so you’re not adding any unnecessary waste to landfills!

Basic Items You’ll Need to Keep a Pet Chicken

Here’s a list of the basic item’s you’ll need to keep a pet chicken. Keep in mind that chicks need special feed, a brooder, and a heat lamp, and they require more attention than larger chickens.

A Coop and Run

The first thing you need is a coop—a place where your chickens can safely live while they’re not out roaming around your yard. The coop should be big enough for all of your chickens to fit comfortably but small enough that predators can’t sneak in and eat them! For extra protection from predators, an automatic chicken coop door will keep your chickens safe during the night. Run-Chicken’s automatic chicken coop doors are designed to open on their own, offering convenience as well as security. 

Some people also choose to build an outdoor pen for their chickens, otherwise known as a chicken run, which is like a very large cage attached to the side of their house or garage. This gives your chickens more space when they need it, and it keeps them safe from predators when they’re sleeping at night.

Food and Water

Chickens need access to protein-rich food, clean water, and grit (which helps them digest their food). You can buy commercial feed from pet stores or online stores. Chickens are omnivores, so while free-ranging they’ll often eat bugs and other small creatures such as frogs and mice. features indoor feeders that can hold up to 20 pounds of feed. These large feeders allow you the convenience of not having to feed your chickens as often. Chickens need access to plenty of clean water throughout the day, so investing in a large waterer will ensure your chickens are properly watered throughout the day. 

Nesting Boxes

Many times, people tend to keep chickens for their eggs. Nesting boxes are essential because it gives your hen a place to lay her eggs. Run-Chicken offers unique, hexagon-shaped nesting boxes that can be mounted to the wall for easy egg collection. 


To keep your chicken coop and nesting boxes clean, spreading out some type of bedding is a good idea. Staw is a great option since its easy to spread and clean out, and it’s usually easily accessible. Hay, grass, leaves, and sawdust are also viable options. 

Things To Know About Keeping a Pet Chicken

Chickens make great pets. They’re low-maintenance, they provide you with a constant source of fresh eggs and meat, and they’re super cute! If you’re thinking of getting chickens as pets, there are some things you’ll need to consider before making the leap. Here’s what you need to know:

Common Health Issues for Chickens

Chickens are prone to a few health issues, including parasites and respiratory infections. They can also suffer from mites, coccidiosis (a parasitic infection that causes diarrhea), foot and eye problems, and other diseases.

Keeping Your Chickens Safe

When you’re thinking about keeping a chicken as a pet, you need to consider the safety of your new friend. You’ll want to make sure that they are protected from predators and other dangers that can harm them. A durable automatic chicken coop door can help keep your chickens protected from predators during the night. 

Other Considerations

  • There are some cons to keeping chickens as pets. They are pretty messy–they poop everywhere. It is best to keep them in a large, open area to avoid diseases caused by this. It is also good to note that chicken diapers are an option that you can consider. 
  • Before you buy a chicken, make sure that you have the space for it. Chickens need to be able to roam around and scratch in the dirt. They also need enough room to get away from each other if they’re feeling aggressive or territorial. If your yard isn’t big enough for this kind of freedom, then perhaps keeping a pet chicken isn’t right for you.
  • Chickens will eat your vegetables, fruits, and many other types of plants you have in your yard or garden. Before keeping chickens, be sure your plants are protected. 
  • Chickens are noisy animals by nature; they cluck constantly throughout the day (and night). If noise is something that bothers you or your neighbors, then you may want to reconsider getting one as a pet!
  • Chickens need other protection outside of their coop and run to be completely safe from predators. An automatic chicken coop door from Run-Chicken can help provide an extra layer of protection. It is made of sturdy, durable aluminum that is sure to deter even the strongest chicken predator. Enclosing their coop and run with hardware cloth for fencing can also help keep them protected. 

If you’re still on the fence about whether getting a pet chicken is right for you, here are a few more reasons why they make great pets:

Chickens are easy to care for. They don’t need much attention and can be left alone for long periods of time without needing any kind of special care. They also don’t require any special equipment or toys, making them one of the least expensive pets to own.

They are very friendly and social animals who love being around people–especially children! Children will love learning about where food comes from and watching their chickens grow from day-old chicks into adult birds.


In conclusion, keeping a pet chicken can be a rewarding experience for those who are prepared for the responsibility that comes with it. It is important to do your research and consider factors such as space, noise, and time before making the decision to bring a chicken home.

With proper care and attention, chickens can make wonderful companions and provide a unique and enjoyable experience for you. So, if you are ready for the commitment, go ahead and give it a try!

Check out which breeds of chickens make the best pets:

Pet chickens: Why Keep Chickens As Pets

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